By the way none of this is in order just incase youre wondering. Charlotte set this whole thing up for me and didnt explain how to arrange photos or title them so it all takes me for ever. I am now grossly behind but thought I would post this one anyway.Even though its nowhere near the beginning!
I have just returned from the most hilarious afternoon, or at least I can laugh at it now. The boys led by Benot decided that they wanted to take me to one of their favourite haunts. The Caves!! After a few queries like how far? how long will it take? is it difficult to get there? etc etc. I was told Oh Madame it is very near, only 20 minutes walk,very easy terrain, and you will just love it. So after school, a quick change, and we all set off. Down the path, pass the school and on down towards Syangja. It wasnt long before we turned off the wide path, and down through a forest literally on the edge of a cliff. Dont worry I kept telling myself this is all going to be fine, and after all Kaman is here to make sure. On and On we went, this was a climb down over boulders and rocks, not a walk at all. The boys were more like a cross between mountain goats and monkeys than anything else I have ever seen. I didnt allow myself to think about the return journey.
The boys were rushing ahead out of sight and then they would appear as if from nowhere. Laughing, singing and just being boys.
After about 1 and a half hours we found ourselves at the bottom of a gorge, which yes it was very beautiful, during the monsoon season this was a fast running waterfall/river, now it was a gently trickle of water creating rock pools at the bottom. We sat and cooled down pouring the water over our heads and washing our hands.
The boys were terribly excited now because we could see the entrance to the cave, apparently it was a holy sight for the Hindu religion and just inside was an altar for the god (cant remember the name)I was assured by the boys that we should not go the easy route, but the dark low cavenous way was really worth it because we would come to a waterfall, and old paintings on the walls of the inner cave, and see the bats. OK I thought,Indiana jones and "the temple of the lost ark" lets go for it.
Lights at the ready we started our scramble over the rocks, water was pouring out of the cave from a natural spring, we managed to step on the rocks so we didnt get our boots too wet. The boys were laughing and joking, cojoling me along. Im starting to feel slightly uncomfortable with all this, its pitch black, and the ceiling is getting lower and lower. I ask how much farther? Oh we re nearly there its so wonderfull please come, come. OK on I go, by this stage Im on all fours clambering along I cant see any daylight at all behind, but Kaman is there holding the light, laughing, by this stage I can only manage to crawl. The boys appear from ahead holding what looks like a rat, of course its a bat! they take great delight in showing me the wing span, great I thought but Maybe this lost ark or bat business just isnt for me. OK chaps its time to turn round now.
Oh no no you have to come on. The waterfall is only just around the corner. I am now starting to think about other times in my life when maybe I should have shown a little more caution. Havanna! when I decided it would be just wonderful to go and find some salsa music at 12.00am and Theresa and I only just escaped being mugged! Ireland! Wouldnt it be such fun to go galloping in the morning for the trainer Micheal Houragan, I got completely run away with!
At this point there is a flurry up ahead Bats!! they fly at me, hitting my face, I can feel the rush of air as others are flying all around me.Im screaming and everyone else is laughing! Its at this stage in the film where the whimp is making so much noise that it causes a rock fall and the exit is blocked!! or an earth quake!!!
Kaman comes with me and we clamber back the way we came,or so we thought. I suddenly realise that the water is deeper than it had been before. No this cant be right we turn around and go back. Oh lord by this time Im wondering what on earth we are going to do if we cant find our way out. The boys have gone on even deeper into the mountain. Just think Deborah what did we do before?? Kaman saves the day there is a small hole that we had forgotten we should have climbed up into, he assures me over and over again its right and sure enough I could just see some daylight appearing up ahead. I cannot tell you the relief.
When we emerged from the cave, I realised I was covered in bat poo, absolutely plastered, and stinking. We washed off as much as we could from the spring water, but I just wanted to get home by this stage.
Kaman has a look on his face that Im not too happy with. Whats the matter I ask. He points into the distance, and there is the most enormous black storm cloud looming up. I was a little worried about leaving the boys but Kaman assured me that they would be fine they know the caves well, and it was important that we get going. So we started on our way home, the path was very narrow and steep not the way we came. You could feel the electricity in the air, it almost felt like my hair was standing up on end, and that very heavy warm air. The Lightning was spectacular, and the thunder deafening. We just kept on walking, the boys had caught up by now and wanted to take shelter, but I knew I just had to keep walking and Kaman agreed. It started to rain at first, and then the hail started, it was like marbles pouring out of the sky. After a while you got used to the stinging!
I did just wonder as we were high and on the edge of the hill whether anyone ever got struck by lightning? especially as I was the tallest! Kaman just laughed. I just kept walking.
When we got back we were all drenched, Lutchens and all the other women were having their usual social by the water pump. They all thought it was hilarious, Lutchens summoned her daughter Sarita to fetch us some tea. Hot and warming and spiced with cardamnon, delicious!